Encountered Difficulties

Problem 1

The first problem was that I didn’t realise that the built-in plug needed a fuse to operate. This was solved by just buying one from Ebay.

Problem 1aProblem 1b

Problem 2

The second problem that I encountered affected the design process of the PCB quite a bit.

The issue was that I underestimated the size of the 230V-24V transformer. The result of this is that I had considerably less space for my PCB than I originally expected.

That’s why I had to design the PCB in a way where all the components were right next to each other, which made it a little bit claustrophobic.

Problem 2

Problem 3

The third problem was that the footprint of R13 was too small, this was fixed by adjusting the dimensions in Ultiboard.

Problem 3

Problem 4

The fourth issue was that in Ultiboard, the space between the pins for C2 were too small. This was also rectified by adjusting them in Ultiboard.

Problem 4

Problem 5

The fifth was a potential problem.

After considering how I would mount the transformer and the PCB onto the case, I decided to use regular nuts and bolts.

Then I realised that the bolts would cause an indentation underneath the case.

That’s when I decided to buy a pack of rubber feet from the local store and mount them onto the case.

Problem 5aProblem 5b

Problem 6

The next issue that I encountered was that the amount of pins on the connectors would not match the ones on the PCB;

Problem 6a

Problem 6b

Pins on connector : 5*4 = 20

Pins on PCB : 19

If the PCB was ordered this way, I would have either had to shorten a connector to three pins or drill a hole in the PCB myself.

To avoid such mess I decided to make an extra no-purpose pin.

Problem 6c

Problem 7

The following issue was that the pad of pin 2 of IC3 came off.

I had to take a jumper wire and make a manual connection from pin 2 of IC3 to the negative pin of C9.

Problem 7

Problem 8

In when wiring the connectors, I noticed that the connectors blocked the area around the potentiometers on the front panel. This would prevent the front panel from being closed.

I had to use longer bolts to raise the PCB to avoid this.

Problem 8

Problem 9

I didn’t realise that the display on the front panel needed an external power supply for it to function. This was solved by using a 9V battery as a power source for the display.

Problem 9